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Trophies and Medals

Player related achievements

  1. A cut above the rest

    Earned all other achievements (only achievements posted by Gota count)

    Reward: 100 TU (questionable if you even need them at that point)

    Total: 0
  2. Storydriven

    Contributed to a storyline

    Reward: 3 TU

    Total: 8
  3. Seasoned player

    Has been with the server for over a year

    Reward: 6 TU

    Total: 12
  4. Storywriter

    Is an active and good GM that made a number of quests

    Reward: 3 TU

    Total: 8
  5. Helping hand

    Was a nice person by helping out a new player without being prompted to do so

    Reward: 1 TU

    Total: 9
  6. Server assistant

    Helped a lot with the server but from a system standpoint (not helping out other players or stuff) such as helping with skills and other things

    Reward: 2 TU

    Total: 5
  7. Contributor

    Added something to the server's wiki

    Reward: 3 TU

    Total: 5
  8. Accomplished academic

    Has graduated from the mage, class and skill course of the Erkulum with three different characters

    Reward: 6 TU

    Total: 1
  9. What a coincidence

    Achieve a "one braincell" moment with another player (can't be forced)

    Reward: Nothing but it was funny

    Total: 6
  10. Duty complete

    Finish a seasonal duty

    Reward: 1 TU

    Total: 6
  11. Duty bound

    Complete all the seasonal duties of a given category within the season they are there for.

    Reward: Picking a duty of another category to be auto-finished except Special

    Total: 2
  12. Hidden gem (by Bear)

    Follow a rumor and have it turn into something unexpected that far surpasses what it was originally thought to be

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0

Character related achievements

  1. Romantic

    Has a character that is in a relationship with another player's character.
    (Pre-made ones don't count)

    Reward: Lover's cloak

    Total: 11
  2. Have at you!

    Defeated another character in combat.
    (Doesn't count if the winner is pre-determined or one is letting the other win)

    Reward: 1 TU

    Total: 8
  3. Justice is on my side

    Won a case in court

    Reward: An honorary badge for an attorney that won their first case

    Total: 1
  4. Legendary weapon

    Has acquired a legendary weapon, like a Raiwaldi blade

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  5. Explorer

    Explore an unknown island

    Reward: A compass that always works and is hard to break

    Total: 1
  6. A pirate's life for me

    As a pirate, boarded and plundered a big ship and got away

    Reward: Some extra gold for the haul you got it from

    Total: 0
  7. X marks the spot

    Followed the directions of a treasure map to find a treasure

    Reward: The next treasure you find with a map has something extra in it

    Total: 2
  8. At the top

    Reach 2500 mana or demon energy or become a Legend

    Reward: 30 extra starting TU for a new character or 20 for this one

    Total: 2
  9. Celebrity

    Become famous (being a ruler does not count)

    Reward: People are more likely to recognize you (repeatable for multiple characters)

    Total: 6
  10. Great job

    Finished a work day for a job with perfect results

    Reward: Some extra pay

    Total: 1
  11. Until death do us apart

    Has a character that got married to another one

    Reward: A ring that lets you communicate with your spouse as if both of you had familiars

    Total: 7
  12. Filthy rich

    Amassed a million gold with any means

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  13. Finding the truth

    Kept going to find the real culprit in a court case (even if the defendant could already have been declared innocent)

    Reward: 5 magic scrolls to detect if someone is lying

    Total: 0
  14. Dragon slayer

    Beat a fearsome, fully grown dragon

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  15. Burning curiousity

    Found the rare pot that has a strange creature living inside it and correctly answered its question (you can't bruteforce finding it)

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  16. Lord/Lady of the dead

    Beat or become a proper lich

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  17. Lifesaver

    Healed a person that was on the brink of death

    Reward: A strong Life scroll

    Total: 1
  18. Counting on you, partner

    Beat a foe that was stronger than you with a partner (NPCs do not count) by working together perfectly

    Reward: 3 TU

    Total: 4
  19. Living legend

    Survive an impossible enemy's ultimate attack

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  20. A better world

    Did something to make the world a little bit better

    Reward: You can wish for something small

    Total: 3
  21. Pickpocket

    Stole something from someone's pockets

    Reward: You find a bit more gold

    Total: 0
  22. New life

    Has a child with another character

    Reward: A baby girl or boy potion

    Total: 7
  23. Warmed hearts

    Spent the entire Warm Hearts Week with someone (onscreen)

    Reward: A heart shaped couch

    Total: 3
  24. A taste so divine

    Ate the legendary, best sandwich in the world

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  25. Flourishing markets

    Made a trade with another character in #purchases-and-trading

    Reward: 1 TU

    Total: 11
  26. Too much money

    Donate at least 1000 gold towards a grand project

    Reward: 1 TU

    Total: 5
  27. In cold blood

    As a vampire, manage to bite an enemy in a fight

    Reward: A unique blood scroll that replenishes blood once (cannot be learned as a spell)

    Total: 0
  28. Blood soaks the earth

    Killed another player in the Bloody Pit

    Reward: Any mithril gear

    Total: 1
  29. Eternal

    Planted two eternal flowers and successfully harvested the yield later

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  30. Eternity denied

    Kill an unaging living being (golems, undead, elementals and constructs do not count)

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  31. A new generation

    Have a character start out single, get with another actual character (marrying is optional), have a child and have that child grow up old enough to become a full character

    Reward: 6 TU for the person that grew up

    Total: 1
  32. Bonk

    As a goose, beat a non-goose enemy

    Reward: A steel bat that makes bonk sounds

    Total: 1
  33. Galant waddle

    As a goose, learn an advanced class of dancer

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  34. Fake wings

    As a goose, become a pilot and do a pilot mission

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  35. I take your entire stock

    Buy 200 materials from another player or sell them to one

    Reward: 2 TU

    Total: 3
  36. Mach's nächstes mal selbst, du faules Schwein

    Your group was invaded by Nugget but you were somehow able to use her in a really handy way to help you in your quest

    Reward: A kazoo that might call Nugget over to where you are. She could also decide she doesn't feel like it and ignore you.

    Total: 5
  37. Cheating death

    Survive something that would have killed you (like by using death defiance)

    Reward: +2 years of life

    Total: 0
  38. Meep meep, I'm a sheep. Now die.

    Kill someone while shapeshifted into a normal animal

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  39. Family bliss

    Have 5 biological children with one character

    Reward: A strong fertility potion

    Total: 3
  40. Tis just a flesh wound

    Lose an arm, a leg and an eye on the same character (not required for the everything achievement)

    "Reward" (more like pity prize): A prosthetic

    Total: 1
  41. Steel liver

    Level up the drinking talent 10 times

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  42. Like rabbits

    Have 10 children with one pairing.

    Reward: Free contraceptive potions

    Total: 2
  43. You never stop learning

    Get mentored by someone else

    Reward: x2 for that session

    Total: 0
  44. Now listen here, you little s**t

    Mentored someone else

    Reward: 300 gold

    Total: 0
  45. Loyal killing machine

    While cursed with the mark of the hunter, kill a target your reaper sent you after

    Reward: You can refuse a target of the reaper once

    Total: 0
  46. Not having a good day

    Be cursed with 3 curses at once

    Reward: You can get yet another curse without having to provoke it/look for it or put one on another character of yours

    Total: 1
  47. Freed from this mortal plane

    As a ghost medium, helped a ghost to pass on

    Reward: 2 ghost shards

    Total: 0
  48. By my own power

    Got into an important position by your own power and without it having been handed to you.

    Reward: 3 TU

    Total: 2
  49. A fulfilled life

    Had a character that started younger than 21 and then died of old age

    Reward: 20 TU

    Total: 0
  50. I'm fine

    With a character that has unlucky, glass bones, paper skin, insomnia (OR dead asleep), a curse (OR possessed), wimpy, disoriented, punchable face, lazy, and klutz, somehow get to professor without using GM TU, Prodigy and Talented (not needed for the 'every achievement' achievement)

    Reward: Unlucky, glass bones, paper skin, lazy, wimpy, and klutz get removed

    Total: 0
  51. Bad draw

    Inherit at least 2 flaws from each parent, so at least 4 in total

    Reward: Get rid of the cheapest one for free

    Total: 0
  52. Built different

    Save 10 CP by inheriting perks from your parents

    Reward: 5 CP

    Total: 0
  53. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

    Have a character that is blind, deaf and mute all at the same time and somehow manage to get a bunch of quests with social aspects done

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  54. A dumbass against the world

    With both dunce and stagnant, somehow beat a very hard quest by yourself

    Reward: 30 TU and you can remove Dunce

    Total: 0

    Starting with at least 18 years and nothing, not even the beginning 30 TU and neither as student, have the stagnant flaw and get to 1000 mana or demon energy or spirit.

    Reward: Remove stagnant and get ?

    Total: 0
  56. Ascension to royalty

    As a player character (not side character), marry a king or queen to become their consort (obviously not needed for the everything achievement)

    Reward: 2 TU and a strong fertility potion

    Total: 1
  57. Cast off your shackles

    As someone who started as a slave with a difficult master, break free! Just being released does not count.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  58. Emergency cleared

    Successfully finish an emergency.

    Reward: 1 bonus TU for the character

    Total: 3
  59. Blaze of glory (Vex achievement)

    Have a character die the most epic way possible

    Reward: Glorious Title and 5 TU for your next character

    Total: 1
  60. Racc's Little Helpers (Studio achievement)

    Complete a Racc task.

    Reward: Extra stuff from that task's reward.

    Total: 0
  61. Racc's Special Friends (Studio achievement)

    Complete 5 Racc tasks.

    Reward: A special item.

    Total: 0
  62. Super Special Bean (Studio achievement)

    Complete 20 Racc tasks.

    Reward: A super special gift.

    Total: 0
  63. I'm in danger (Studio achievement)

    Have a character with the Enemy flaw worth 30CP.

    Reward (more like slight reprieve): The enemy won't just absolutely bomb your ass.

    Total: 0
  64. Blood Hunting (Studio achievement)

    Become a Blood Hunter of the House. (Your character essentially becomes dead, only occasionally allowed to leave the House with permission.)

    Reward: A special power given to your character by the House.

    Total: 0
  65. Monumental

    Lend significant help to a monumental/huge grand project

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  66. In some amount of days around the world

    Have a character go east or west long enough to have travelled around the globe in one go once.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  67. An ambition fulfilled

    Finish a long enough Personal journey (the one in perks)

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  68. Persuasive

    Finish a quest that definitely looked like it would have guaranteed battles without fighting by being extremely persuasive

    Reward: Powerful love scroll and 1 TU

    Total: 1
  69. Secretly Italian (Studio achievement)

    As a martial class user, or hand-to-hand fighter, sit on someone as a finishing move to a fight, defeating them with the blow.

    Reward: Red overalls that make you jump higher.

    Total: 0
  70. Fate persistent (Enigma achievement)

    With the Unlucky flaw, survive a Enigma quest with a good chance to die till the end.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  71. Psh. There is no way this can go wrong (Enigma achievement)

    Have a character with nightmares, dead sleep, sleep walker, and night blind, and proceed to take a very long quest requiring sleep.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0

    As job mage with the chef job, use a master tradesman move that is supposed to burn an enemy but that does not end up working against them
    Reward: ?

    Players that earned it:

    Total: 0
  73. Dummy Thicc (Studio achievement)

    As a tank build, survive something that otherwise should have instantly annihilated (as in, complete obliteration) a regular person.
    Reward: A charm that increases your defense by a little more, and doesn't require any space to equip.

    Players that earned it:

    Total: 0
  74. Hand in hand

    Helped another character in their personal journey without sharing one (meaning if you both have the same personal journey it wouldn't count). You decided to be someone else's side character but supported them nonetheless.

    Reward: 5 CP for one character

    Total: 0
  75. History flowing through my veins

    As someone starting without a bloodline, marry someone that has one and have the child of that union marry someone with a different bloodline to unite two (or more) in one person.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0

    With three other team players, enter a 4-people Overdrive, finish the full chain and finish with a quad Super Technique for some completely bonkers damage.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  77. First step towards greatness

    Got a legendary move or Super Technique

    Reward: Free extra magic move or Technique

    Total: 9
  78. Good girl

    As a homunculus be acknowledged by a serialized sister

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  79. Artificial body, real feelings

    As a homunculus go through the process of genuinely falling in love with someone despite it not being necessary.

    Reward: Ersting will make another hommunculus as a daughter for you, though you will have to tell your partner you decided to adopt a teenager (that looks like a young adult) and come up with an explanation why she will not look much older in the future. (Said hommunculus will also still be weird.)

    Total: 1
  80. Ich glaube, ich hau dir mal ein bisschen auf's Maul.

    Somehow got Nugget to help you beat an enemy.

    Reward: Upgrade the Nugget kazoo that calls her (if you lost it, tough luck)

    Total: 0
  81. Mde with love and care (by Bear)

    As someone's soulmate make them a dish that became the soul reason they were able to prevail on a quest

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  82. Anime moment (by Bear)

    Finish off a foe after reaching critical health and being having limit break. Requires you to have actually use a limit break ability (Legendary or Super Technique)

    Reward: You gain a special vanity effect for your future limit breaks making it more anime like

    Total: 0
  83. First time? (by Bear)

    Have your weapon deplete in a battle after using a Super Manifestation for the first time and still win despite it. (Spars do not count)

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  84. Power > Money (by Bear)

    Finish a tier within an aether weapon through aether cores gained from fighting aether beasts. Buying them does not count.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  85. Aim to perfect (by Bear)

    Finish the basic core tiers of an aether weapon.

    Reward: A free visual core which doesn't take up a slot

    Total: 1
  86. Tourist destination (by Bear)

    As an Atmogis, visit ten rare magic biomes and save their weather states before using them within a roleplay situation. None of them can be done off-screen and each must have some importance rather than being done to simply meet the requirement.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  87. Finally, some good fucking food (by Bear)

    As a Gourmear eat the highest quality dish of a respective effect group and utilize its effect in roleplay.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  88. I am not out of commission yet (by Bear)

    As an elder win a battle against a fearsome opponent despite the debuff gained from your growing deterioration.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  89. Inside out (by Bear)

    As a Lazulian experience the highest level of emotion and use it to your advantage in a scenario.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  90. No strings on me (by Bear)

    As a Simulgis use your affinity for viewing aether to sever the threads of an Exerter Colanrhoxian.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  91. Inner beast (by Bear)

    As a Umbril save the shape of a very powerful monster and make use of it in a fight.

    Reward: ?

    Total: 0
  92. Monster Hunter

    Beat a Monster Lord

    Reward: The title "Monster King/Queen", 5 TU and and 2000g

    Total: 0
  93. No need to be noble if you are rich

    Create an Ebelschweidwick for the family tree or marry into it

    Reward: A skin for a weapon or armor to make it golden. Does literally nothing else and doesn't increase the value, though.

    Total: 5
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